Archive for August 17, 2010

Google TV undergoes a trial by partisans

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard on August 17, 2010 by jlandino,0,6581112.story

I am more and more convinced that without the proper Internet TV peripherial, the end user will struggle with adoption.

Google TV plan is causing jitters in Hollywood

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard on August 17, 2010 by jlandino,0,785196.story

“Users would need to buy a TV or set-top box with Google software that could connect to the Internet, along with a keyboard to type commands.”

Internet TV site Hulu eyes $2 billion stock sale in potential IPO

Posted in Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard on August 17, 2010 by jlandino

“The three-year-old service, backed by some of the most powerful companies in entertainment including GE, Disney and News Corp., could hold its initial public offering this year.”
As I have said before the market will move to the Phantom Lapboard, its just a matter of timing now.