Archive for the Google TV Category

Amazon starts its Phantom Lapboard merchandising campaign!

Posted in boxee, Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , , on November 15, 2010 by jlandino

“Make Input Easy with a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Check out the new Lapboards from Phantom to make controlling your Boxee Box, Logitech Review, PS3, or XBox 360 even easier” –

Gaming coming to the IPTV & living room; we have your input device the Phantom Lapboard!

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , , , on November 1, 2010 by jlandino

I have been saying for years that Gaming would also be run off the TV in the living room.  PC Gamers will adjust to this new location (the sofa) with the Phantom Lapboard.


“The company also reckons you’ll be able to play StarCraft 2, Civilisation 5, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Fallout: New Vegas, Mafia 2, Bioshock Infinite and Duke Nukem Forever.” – from your IPTV.

Google Leanback – as in leanback on our sofa…Phantom Lapboard needed!

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , , , , on October 17, 2010 by jlandino

Google Leanback

Very cool UI for IPTV by Google.  Check it out, looks great!

The Phantom Lapboard Is Ready For The Google TV Takeover

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , , on October 6, 2010 by jlandino

The Phantom Lapboard Is Ready For The Google TV Takeover.

“Google TV promises to bring the full web to the livingroom and we’re going to have to input text somehow. Sony’s QWERTY keypad might be good enough for some people, but perhaps others want something a bit more serious. After all, with the full web at your disposal, you might be communicating a good deal through Google TV and typing with your thumbs tends to get old in about three and half minutes.

Sony IPTV Remote vs. The Phantom Lapboard

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , , , , on October 6, 2010 by jlandino

This or the Phantom Lapboard?

Wow, Sony's Google TV Remote Looks Like A Ten Thousand Button Nightmare

“I get that Google TV is going to be different (they want you to do searches that generate revenue, remember?) and a QWERTY keyboard may make some sense…”

Where is the Phantom Lapboard?

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , , , on October 6, 2010 by jlandino

16. Google TV is Huge for the Phantom Lapboard

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , , , on October 5, 2010 by jlandino

15 Reasons Google TV Will Make a Huge Impact on the Web

“Remember, you can’t judge the offering entirely from the initial product availability. That will grow – maybe even to a device you already own. Upon Google TV’s announcement, Sony CEO Howard Stringer was asked if consumers could expect Google TV integration with Sony Playstation. He said Sony was working with Google on one product at a time. Judging from the looks exchanged between Stringer and Google CEO Eric Schmidt, it certainly didn’t seem like the idea was ruled out.”

Google TV Reality Check – PC World

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , on October 5, 2010 by jlandino

PC World Google TV

“There are only two million Internet-connected TVs in the U.S. today, according to The New York Times . But Forrester says major electronics retailers in the U.S. have already committed to selling only Internet-connected TVs by 2011. By 2015, the market research firm predicts, one-third of U.S. homes will have Internet-connected TVs.”

Google TV ready to launch!

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard on September 30, 2010 by jlandino

Google TV launch imminent!

“It looks like October is going to be Google TV’s month. The big question though is this: will consumers embrace Google TV with their wallets? We’re about to find out.”

IPTV Hardware will hit the shelves in October

Posted in Google TV, Internet TV, Internet TV Peripherial, John Landino, Message from the CEO, Phantom Lapboard with tags , , on September 26, 2010 by jlandino

Lapboard needed!

Sony IPTV to be released!

Dell to build IPTV hardware & Roku releases thier IPTV conversion box.

And consumers ask “How can we game from the couch?”…if your a single guy uninterested in bringing a date over, sure build a homemade keyboard pad out of a desk…doubt the wifey would like this in her living room as well. Or just buy a Phantom Lapboard!